The industrial economy achieved a stable start in the first quarter
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The industrial economy achieved a stable start in the first quarter

Views: 0     Author: 周东洋     Publish Time: 2022-06-09      Origin: 中国贸易报


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The industrial economy achieved a stable start in the first quarter

Since the beginning of this year, my country has introduced a series of policies to help enterprises to bail out and promote the steady growth of the industrial economy. All regions and departments have taken active actions and made efforts to advance. The industrial economy achieved a stable start in the first quarter, continuing the good momentum of stable recovery.

The latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that in the first quarter, my country's industrial production remained stable, and the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 6.5% year-on-year, 2.6 percentage points higher than that in the fourth quarter of last year, showing a good trend of quarterly recovery. In addition, the driving role of my country's industrial exports has continued to increase. In the first quarter, the export delivery value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 14.4% year-on-year, which has maintained double-digit growth for one year in a row. Among them, the export delivery value of automobile manufacturing and special equipment manufacturing increased by more than 20%.

"At the same time, the 'triple pressures' of demand contraction, supply shock, and weakening expectations faced by my country's economic development are still prominent in the industrial field, and the recovery is still uneven and unstable." Ministry of Industry and Information Technology spokesperson, Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau Director Luo Junjie recently stated at a press conference of the State Council Information Office that in March, due to the unfavorable factors such as the spread of the epidemic and geopolitical conflicts, some new problems and new challenges emerged in the industrial economy, such as the emergence of industrial and supply chains. Blockages, difficulties in the production and operation of small, medium and micro enterprises, and the prices of bulk raw materials are still fluctuating at high levels, etc., which have led to a slowdown in some indicators and increased downward pressure.

However, Luo Junjie said that the fundamentals of my country's long-term economic growth have not changed, and the overall trend of recovery and development has not changed. There is still a solid foundation for boosting the industrial economy. First, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, we have the confidence and confidence to calmly respond to risks and challenges in all aspects, and coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. Adhering to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability and deepening supply-side structural reforms are a strong political guarantee for boosting the industrial economy. Second, since the fourth quarter of last year, many policies and measures to stabilize industrial growth have been introduced, all of which have been effective one after another. In particular, the combined tax and fee reductions deployed in this year's "Government Work Report", the enhancement of the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, and the expansion of domestic demand have accelerated the release of policy dividends, and positive factors supporting the steady growth of the industrial economy are accumulating. Third, my country's industrial development has great resilience and potential, and the construction of a new development pattern is also being accelerated. The industrial chain and supply chain remain stable, and new kinetic energy is constantly being strengthened.

Luo Junjie said that in the next step, we will strengthen forward-looking prediction, do a good job in cross-cycle adjustment, implement precise hedging, and strive to promote the stable operation and quality upgrading of the industrial economy, and strive to achieve a stable continuation in the second quarter, in order to stabilize the macroeconomic market. Provide solid support. Specifically, efforts will be made from the following aspects: First, we should pay close attention to promoting the implementation of policies. It is necessary to strengthen overall planning and coordination, and vigorously promote the implementation of the implementation plan for invigorating the operation of the industrial economy and the implementation of several policies to promote the steady growth of the industrial economy. At the same time, in response to changes in the situation, research and reserve some follow-up policy measures for steady industrial growth. The second is to take multiple measures to open up the blocking points of the industrial chain and the supply chain. Establish a "white list" system for key industrial chain supply chain enterprises, and ensure the stability and smoothness of key industrial chain supply chains by strengthening coordination between ministries and provinces and cross-regional coordination. Strengthen the supply and price stabilization of important raw materials, and strengthen the supply guarantee of key products such as potash fertilizers and rare and precious metals. The third is to do everything possible to help SMEs to tide over the difficulties. Fourth, accelerate investment in major projects to tap new consumption potential. Promote the accelerated implementation of major projects and projects under the 14th Five-Year Plan for the manufacturing industry, support a number of major technological transformation projects for energy conservation and carbon reduction, guide basic telecommunications companies to deploy 5G base station construction in advance, promote the formation of physical workload as soon as possible, and give full play to investment Pull hedging, etc.



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